Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Victor Sizemore.

If you missed it last night, I'm sorry.
Victor Sizemore did a fabulous job of
inviting us into his world of wedding
photography. Didn't start that long
ago and has built himself a pretty nice
collection of weddings near and far.

His work is tasteful and fun, his ethics
are spot on, and yes, his boots were

Victor is a family man and makes time
for that as well.
He travels a ton and gets the job done.

We were lucky to have him schedule
this speaking engagement for our TCPPA
(Thanks Amy Zellmer) and I hope he comes
back for more in the future.

I won a pack of "Totally Rad" actions
for being the only one in the audience
with a Mark III (yay me!) and I'm looking
forward to playing with them.

Victor also go into the basics of
Lightroom. That was cool. I'm not
using mine just yet but I will now!

Many of us PUGgers that were
in attendance want to get together
soon in a group and discuss what works
best for us and what actions and presets
we like best..a show and tell, if you will.
Let's get that on the books!

Hope you all can make it to tonight's PUG!
We'll be going over some WPPI stuff.

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