Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

Shame on me.
I was given a, I requested the
task of taking care of this blog and I'm
afraid that I'm slipping and shirking
my responsibilities as an author!

THAT said, I would like to wish all of
our PUG members and their families a
righteously, prosperous new year!

I was not able to attend the January
meeting in that I was in Arizona celebrating
my father-in-laws 80th birthday...
So I will need to rely on Jason or Stacey
to write about this passed weeks meeting.

But, I CAN give the low-down on the December
to remember PUG gathering for those of you
that missed that one...

It was a night filled with food, wine, cookies
and board favorite?....
Apples to Apples!

Altho' we had a really competitive round
of Cranium going also.

Jason tried to win back some money that
he lost to [b]ecker by encouraging people
to play some poker with him....

We had a great time, as usual...
including when Bill tried to draw
"creative cat" instead of "salute" when
his turn came around to draw!

See you at the February meeting!

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