Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 13th wrap-up...

we had an intimate group last night and
we talked a LOT!!! at times, in groups.

discussions were about goals mostly.
where are you now? where to you want to be?
where have you come from? things of that nature.

inspiring input was given by everyone and ultimately,
we all want the same things:
~more life!
~more financial freedoms and less guilt.
~to quit our day jobs and still provide for ourselves.
~respect from family
~respect from the industry
~to continue to do awesome work and maintain selfworth!

it all boils down to making choices. the right choices.
define your goals! i mean, really define your goals!
write them down, have them at your work station always
so that when faced with a decision you can look up and
ask yourself "will this bring me closer to my goal?"
sounds so simple doesn't it?

i'm attaching a form from mike larson on goals...

oh, and a photo of baby ian who was also in
attendance last night...

i'm working on getting information on how to
allow people to subscribe to our blogs. i'll perhaps
e-mail that out when i hear back so you don't have
to keep checking here! :)

have a great week everyone.
photograph something you haven't.

1 comment:

tasha herrgott said...

What a cute photo of Ian! It looks like you did get that Smile! :) Thanks for posting the Goals form, it will come in handy!
