Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Liz Banfield...

Sorry for the delay in posting my wrap for
our PUG meeting Tuesday evening 10/9/07.

Liz Banfield graciously accepted our invitation
to come and speak to the group regarding
getting your work published as well as sharing
her background and bits of her personal life.

Liz came in, sat down and ran through her program that
she will be sharing with tons of other photographers
attending the photoplus expo so she said
that it was good for her to come see us first as
she wasn't certain how she was going to organize
her thoughts and images.

Liz was laid back and really just explained that
we should all start to shoot our weddings to the
caliber that editors would want to place in their
magazines...i mean not that we don't all now do
that but that we should be submitting weddings for
publication whenever we can. like for me, and maybe
you too, i just really wanted a to shoot for the bride
and be certain that she was thrilled with my work.
it never really occurred to me to go after publishing.
Liz says locate the photo editor's name and address on
the inside of magazines and just go for it!
simple enough, right?
let's do what we can soon and then report back to
the group when we hear back from some of these
editors and cheer one another on...even if ours does
not get selected. we are a very talented group
of individuals with different life goals but the
same professional ones...get hired, do great work and
get more great work from that and so on...grow as
photographers and share our God given talents with
those around us.

another way to support one another within our own group
is to attend showings of our PUGmates whenever we can!
here's one of the first...erin johnson
erin passed out invites last night but if you could not's the information. see you there!

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