Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Welcome Ian Jason Thon..

Hey everyone,
If you are interested in more details about the new
Thon, please head to their blog!
Ian was born around lunchtime on Monday the 29th of October.
They have posted a photo on their blog...
Super precious! :)
Congrats Stacy & Jason!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Liz Banfield...

Sorry for the delay in posting my wrap for
our PUG meeting Tuesday evening 10/9/07.

Liz Banfield graciously accepted our invitation
to come and speak to the group regarding
getting your work published as well as sharing
her background and bits of her personal life.

Liz came in, sat down and ran through her program that
she will be sharing with tons of other photographers
attending the photoplus expo so she said
that it was good for her to come see us first as
she wasn't certain how she was going to organize
her thoughts and images.

Liz was laid back and really just explained that
we should all start to shoot our weddings to the
caliber that editors would want to place in their
magazines...i mean not that we don't all now do
that but that we should be submitting weddings for
publication whenever we can. like for me, and maybe
you too, i just really wanted a to shoot for the bride
and be certain that she was thrilled with my work.
it never really occurred to me to go after publishing.
Liz says locate the photo editor's name and address on
the inside of magazines and just go for it!
simple enough, right?
let's do what we can soon and then report back to
the group when we hear back from some of these
editors and cheer one another on...even if ours does
not get selected. we are a very talented group
of individuals with different life goals but the
same professional ones...get hired, do great work and
get more great work from that and so on...grow as
photographers and share our God given talents with
those around us.

another way to support one another within our own group
is to attend showings of our PUGmates whenever we can!
here's one of the first...erin johnson
erin passed out invites last night but if you could not's the information. see you there!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Bruce Dorn

First, I'd like to thank Bjorn and David for sitting with me
even tho' I still smelled like a campfire from the night before!
I was standing in the lobby waiting to be allowed in the
auditorium when I spotted the guys...fellow PUGers...
then Stacey called me. "Hey Jason and I are so bummed
we can't be there for the Bruce Dorn program, can you take notes
for us?" and I was like, "Bruce Dorn?" who's Bruce Dorn?"
You see, I purchased this ticket so long ago and paper clipped
it to my calendar as to not forget to go and nowhere on this
ticket does it say anything about the speaker..just that it
is "IDC presents: Digital Photography Edge". clearly, I hadn't
a clue but Stacey steered me straight...the 3 of us went in
and grabbed a seat in the front row.

So, the big news, and I know you won't even believe me,
is that there as been a HUGE flood of interest in FILM coming
back into the market. Apparently brides have gotten savvy and
have discovered that the photographers that used to shoot film
have an edge over those that have only shot digital!
i know, crazy, right?

Well, all just failed my bull~sh*t test! :P

okay, moving on....just wanted to see if i could get you!~

Here is some points that i saw fit to write down...

3-things that they look for in lighting:
1)Quality of light
2)Direction of light
3) and the least important but considered is Intensity

When putting together an album they make certain that they
have covered the wedding day like a "3 Act Play"~
*****Preparation, Ceremony, Celebration*****

Bruce loves to couple natural light with artificial for a
more well rounded image.

He also loves to tell the couples to "almost kiss".
Bruce says this, more often than not, creates more for them
than they imagined. I know I'm going to try it next wedding!

Bruce suggests exploring commercial photography and
attract more types of clients. He strongly feels that
you can not just say you do one thing or another in
this business cuz you'll market yourself right out of it.

Bruce brings to the still camera quite a bit of cinematic
style photography from the Hollywood days (where he met
his wife, Maura).
He likes to look at light as an actual character in
the image...I think we all knew that but never really
looked at it that way, am I right?
Use a lot of back light with a bounce...(that's a no
brainer!) to get rim light and fill with minimal

Another suggestion Bruce shares is one of being aware
of your surroundings by simply keeping your left eye
open when shooting (I do that a lot, do you?).
Train your left eye to be comfortable open whether
with a wide angle or a zoom while shooting.

Movies he recommends watching for just lighting ideas
are "The girl with the Pearl Earring" (Scarlet Johanson)
and "Pride and Prejudice" for posing ideas
also Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo & Juliet" (Leo DeCaprio)-ugh!

Okay, one last cool thing...
shoot one "pro~bono" wedding a year for, say, that client
that maybe just can't quite afford you...then let them
know that you get all creativity! I like that idea!

Wouldn't it be fun if we, as a group, could call on
one another to shoot a pro~bono wedding and use the
images for whatever we wanted and create an album
without any constraints!?? Who's in with me??!

See you all Tuesday night.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

gary fong moves to wisconsin

well, not gary, but his fulfillment operations.
check his blog for 10/5.
Who would like to head over to Madison and take
in a tour? wouldn't that be fun???

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Trash the Dress...

Ever want to get together to do a "Trash the Dress" session?
Well, in case you didn't see in on Gary Fong's ya go...
trash the dress

oh, and don't be afraid to leave a comment.
and ummm, i haven't gotten ANY fall images from anyone so
i may just elect myself the winner and eat the candy corn! ;)